2024 Ruff N' Ready Memorial Shootout
All games will have two 22-minute RUNNING clock halves.
Stop-clock during the final two (2) minutes of the SECOND half only, IF the point differential is less than 15.
During the final two (2) minutes, the game can rotate in and out of stop-clock time, based on the difference in the score.
Halftime for all games will be three (3) minutes.
- Overtime: Each overtime will begin with a jump ball. The first overtime period will use a 2-minute stop-clock. The second overtime period will be sudden death with the first team to score winning the game.
Timeouts: Three (3) thirty-second timeouts per game. Timeouts do not carry over into overtime. Each team will receive exactly one (1) thirty-second timeout in the first overtime. Clock STOPS on all timeouts. NO TIMEOUTS in sudden death overtime.
Pool Play tie breaker: 1.) Head-to-head 2.) Points allowed in pool games 3.) Coin flip.
1. All games will be governed using High School Federation Rules, with the following modifications and emphasis:
Rules of full court press: No Full-Court Press when point differential is equal to or more than 20 points. Referee's will issue a reminder/warning if needed. Repeated violation will be punished by a team technical foul. Full-court press can be resumed if score differential is reduced to 19 or less.
4th and 5th Grades: NO ZONE (full or half court), NO EXCEPTIONS. Players learning help side defense is not zone. Judgement per referee at the court will determine if the NO ZONE rule is being broken. Teams will be issued one reminder/warning as needed. A second violation will warrant a team technical foul.
4th Grade: NO press, NO EXCEPTIONS.
5th Grade: Man-to-man full court press is allowed unless the point differential is 20 points or more. Press must be man-to-man with no double teaming/trapping.
2. Five personal fouls constitute a disqualification from the game in all divisions. Player technical fouls are added to the common foul count for an individual player.
A team representative should check in at the admission table before the team's first tournament game.
Team playing the first game of the day will be allowed in the building no sooner than 30 minutes before game time.
Teams should arrive no less than ten minutes before each scheduled game time.
Teams arriving later than scheduled game start time will be issued a forfeit.
Each team will provide 1 adult volunteer per game who will act as official clock or score keeper. Teams will be give 1 free admission each day to account for this volunteer.
The official "book" for each game will be the game sheet provided by the tournament officials.
Referees at the court will resolve any disputes regarding score, foul count, time on clock, etc.
Home team is listed second on the schedule and should wear WHITE uniforms.
Please email girlstournament@sherwoodbasketball.com.